njoy fantastic rewards with FlyerBonus from the moment you join with 15 bonus points earned on a maiden flight with Bangkok Airways For example, a FlyerBonus member enrolling on January 1st 2011 and then taking a flight with us on January 10th 2011, will automatically have the standard points total credited to their account as well as receiving a bonus 15 points. Just remember to state your FlyerBonus member number when making a reservation or at check-in. Please also note the following conditions: It can take up to 14 working days after the flight activity date for points to appear on your membership activity page. Please do not request point crediting before this time period has elapsed. This offer does not apply to any duplicated member accounts. The 15-point First Flight Bonus will be deducted from member accounts once duplicated accounts have been combined. Should FlyerBonus members forget to present their membership card and/or state their FlyerBonus number, claims for missing points can be done online at www.flyerbonus.com within 6 months of the date of activity This offer is not applicable for flight activity on award tickets/non-revenue tickets booked in the classes of S, X and Z Bonus points do not count towards membership status. Bangkok Airways reserves its absolute right at any time to add, alter, modify, change or vary any or all of the terms and conditions stated herein. In case of any disputes, the decision of Bangkok Airways is final. All other Terms and Conditions of FlyerBonus apply.